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Our clients over the years include an impressive array of organizations from various industries and sectors. Some of our notable clients are:
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Founded in 1972 by Dr. Ichak Adizes, the Adizes Institute is an international organization that addresses strategic issues such as succession planning, organizational rejuvenation, and the merging of corporate cultures, among others.

With our Certified Associates across multiple countries, we use the Adizes Symbergetic Methodology to provide leaders in businesses, governments, startups, and non-profits with proven tools and strategies to successfully and sustainably manage the implementation of rapid change without destructive conflict.

We invite you to be a part of this transformative journey.

Our Differentiators

We don't just manage change; we co-create it with Symbergetic™ Organizational Therapy, a methodology that combines your team's symbiotic interdependence and synergetic collaboration.

This approach moves beyond traditional consulting by focusing on the relationships and interactions that drive an organization forward.

We don't give you off-the-shelf solutions; we ask the right questions to uncover a tailor-made path for your team's success.
It's about connecting people, enhancing teamwork, and fostering a culture geared toward real-world challenges.

Transforming persistent problems into opportunities for growth.

Enriching leadership styles and driving robust managerial development.

Sculpting high-performing, synergistic teams.

organizations with
potent tools and

The Best Startup Ideation Tools

Squad Help

Squad Help assists you in finding an ideal name for your business. However, they do not limit their services to just business names.


Clarity ensures ambitious entrepreneurs receive valuable pieces of advice from industry experts. Clarity ensures ambitious entrepreneurs receive valuable pieces.


This tool for startup helps you better manage your business concepts and ideas. You will never lose the big picture of your startup idea with this resource.


This web-based mind-mapping tool lets you collaborate and brainstorm with experts in real-time. Mindmeister allows you to turn mind-maps into dynamic slideshows.


To keep it simple, this is a one-stop solution for lean startups when it comes to customer development. A platform for innovators, Javelin help you identify customer needs.

Just In Mind

It offers a complete range of web interactions and mobile gestures so that you can concentrate on building a delightful user experience.

Organizational Transformation & Rapid Alignment

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Online Leadership Training

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Indicator Suite (ALIS Test)

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Organizational Lifecycle Test

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Academy. Training & Certification

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Organizational Transformation Services

Transform Your Organization for Sustainable Excellence

Move beyond the current standard consulting practices with our Organizational Transformation Services.

Empower leaders with proven strategies and tools to lead rapid change, leveraging constructive conflict to foster growth and achieve Prime — a perfect state characterized by a balance between flexibility and control as the organization navigates changing conditions. 

Our comprehensive solutions include:
Organizational Diagnosis, Team Building, Strategic Planning, Reward System Development, and more, all designed to align your mission and vision while implementing effective structures for lasting success.

Leadership Development Programs

Accelerate Growth and Enhance Collaboration

Based on the fundamentals of the Adizes Symbergetic Methodology, our Leadership Development Programs provide accessible and flexible learning options for individuals and organizations enabling them to accelerate growth, enhance team collaboration, and drive sustainable success.

Adizes Academy

Roles and Styles Professional Training

This training is tailored for professionals in Human Resources, Executive Search, and independent advisors or coaches, who aim to enhance their skills in evaluating, developing, and managing teams.

Adizes Executive Program

The Adizes Executive Program offers a unique blend of experiential learning and global insights.

Based on the Adizes Symbergetic Methodology, you'll gain practical skills and comprehensive leadership development.

Join us to shape your path as a change-ready leader, advance your career, expand your network, and lead confidently in a dynamic business world.

Leading Highly Effective Teams Training

This training provides detailed skills and techniques on how the Adizes Symbergetic™ Methodology can be applied through our Organizational Transformation Services in the decision-making process.


Adizes Corporate Lifecycle Test

Our Adizes Corporate Lifecycle Test identifies your organization's lifecycle stage to inform strategic decision-making.

PAEI Leadership Style Assessment

The Adizes Institute PAEI Leadership Style Assestment, part of the Adizes Leadership Indicator Suite (ALIS), evaluates your unique approach to leadership by categorizing it into four key roles:
Producer (P), Administrator (A), Entrepreneur (E), and Integrator (I).

This assessment helps you understand your strengths and areas for development within these roles, guiding you towards more effective leadership.

Business Transformation Programs

Organizational Transformation Programs
The Adizes Organizational Transformation Program (Organizational Therapy) is conducted with the client’s organizational leadership team. The program provides the tools and concepts needed for the leadership team to solve its chronic problems — by themselves. Implementation is swiftly achieved without destructive conflict.


Rapid Alignment Program
Through this short-term service, the Institute focuses on a variety of challenges, such as conducting an audit of the managerial practices in companies (Syndag™), solving specific functional problems in sales, production (operations), marketing and human resources, defining the corporate mission and the optimal organizational structure.


Adizes Academy

Professional Certifications Programs
The Adizes Academy for Organizational Health offers comprehensive training and certification in Symbergetic™ Organizational Therapy, equipping professionals with the tools and strategies of the Adizes Methodology. Dive into a curriculum crafted by experts, combining theory and practice, to expertly navigate and resolve organizational challenges.


Learning Development Program

Adizes Online
Based on the fundamentals of the Adizes Symbergetic Methodology, Adizes Online provides accessible and flexible learning options for individuals and organizations.


Books and Publications
Our collection of books and publications offers extensive insights into the Adizes Methodology and its applications.



ALIS (Adizes Leadership Indicator Suite)
The Adizes Leadership Indicator Suite (ALIS) provides insights into individual leadership styles.


Corporate Lifecycle Test
Our Corporate Lifecycle Test identifies your organization's lifecycle stage to inform strategic decision-making.


Learn More About our services

We provide full assistance in your business

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Awesome components

The life of a startup can be pretty unpredictable and, at times, chaotic. How to create a startup? We’ve prepared some insights on how to create a new startup business.

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Free consultation

The life of a startup can be pretty unpredictable and, at times, chaotic. How to create a startup? We’ve prepared some insights on how to create a new startup business.

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Support 24/7

The life of a startup can be pretty unpredictable and, at times, chaotic. How to create a startup? We’ve prepared some insights on how to create a new startup business.

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Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus temporibus autem eius modi.

Ready to transform your organization?

Connect with us at the Adizes Institute and let's shape your future success together.
Contact Us

Adizes Corporate Lifecycle Test

Assess your organization's current stage and uncover vital insights with our renowned Adizes Corporate Lifecycle Test, a crucial tool used by leading organizations worldwide to identify their position in the corporate lifecycle and strategize for sustained success and longevity.

Adizes Executive Program Launching October 10th

We’re excited to announce the inaugural Adizes Executive Program, in collaboration with upGrad.

Backed by over 50 years of experience, this program equips leaders with practical tools to implement strategic change without conflict.

Join us in celebrating this milestone!

Want to learn more?

The Foundational Challenge

A new paradigm for collaborative problem-solving

Have you ever felt the pain of not being able to solve a problem, not due to a lack of solution, but because of conflict and disagreement? Then you know what the foundational challenge is, and this book is for you.

Get your copy now!
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Founder & Chairman of the Board

Dr. Ichak Adizes is a renowned expert in modern management, having authored 28 books translated into 36 languages.

He has taught management at prestigious institutions such as UCLA, Stanford, and Columbia and has received 21 honorary doctorates from universities in eleven countries and being awarded a lifetime achievement award from The International Academy of Management.

In 2017, Dr. Adizes was identified as one of the world’s best communicators in a survey of the top 100 corporate communications executives, known as the “Influence 100.”

In 2019, he was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award by the International Academy of Management.

If you want to learn more about Dr. Ichak Adizes visit his website: www.ichakadizes.com

"Ichak Adizes is one of the few management consultants who has converted a whole array of theory-based concepts into unusually practical guidelines for managers. And even more impressive, he has integrated these guidelines into a comprehensive system of management."


Professor of Democratic Business Enterprise

Columbia University Graduate School of Business

"Adizes has been an invaluable resource and insightful advisor in my efforts to restore entrepreneurial vitality to mature businesses. organizations throughout the world."


Former Chairman President And CEO

Shell Oil Company

“The Institute’s methodology has enhanced internal communications by encouraging habits of participatory management and by helping us accept change as normal and as continuous opportunity for the bank."


Former CEO

Bank of America

“The U.S. foreign policy world — as well as the international community as a whole — would benefit greatly from a deeper understanding of Ichak Adizes’ insights and theories."


Former deputy U.S. Ambassador

United Nations

"We have been applying the Adizes methodology for more than 40 years. It has been instrumental in enabling us to grow our business from around $50 million per year to over $4 billion. The lessons of balanced management that recognize all the disciplines needed in every organization, regardless of size, have been a driving force behind our success."



The Wonderful Company

"This course has been extremely helpful for implementation within my organization. Dr. Adizes' insight about organizational therapy really changed my perspective on my role as an integrator within an organization."


Chief of Staff


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