Adizes Associates Continue to Support the Independent Church Movement in Siberia

Adizes Associates Continue to Support the Independent Church Movement in Siberia

In our April 2018 newsletter, we reported on the work Adizes associates Barry Bowater and Andrey Zapatrin were doing to support the independent church movement in Siberia. At that time, Barry and Andrey introduced Adizes Institute to eighty-five church leaders representing over four hundred churches with the intention of helping them develop their next generation of church leaders.

Recently, Barry and Andrey returned to Siberia to continue to support this movement. This time, in addition to providing training in the Adizes methodology, they also delivered a Syndag (Synergistic Diagnosis), one of the most requested services from the Adizes Institute. During this Syndag, the group diagnosed the biggest church in the Siberian Independent Church Movement, Covenant Church in Novosibirsk led by Bishop Vitaly Maksimyuk, one of the inspirational leaders and founders of this independent church movement. Covenant Church in Novosibirsk is poised to become an Adizes training center that would help churches in the movement develop succession strategies and their next generation of leaders.

Barry and Andrey will return to Siberia in the fall to hold two additional events: one to introduce additional leaders to the Adizes methodology and the other to challenge emerging and next-generation leaders to get involved.

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