Adizes Southeast Europe Celebrate Twenty-Five years

Adizes Southeast Europe Celebrate Twenty-Five years

Twenty-five years ago, three teaching assistants from the engineering department at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, convinced an oil refinery and an electric motor factory to sponsor their trip to California so that they could study the Adizes methodology. The companies agreed under the condition that when they returned, the teaching assistants would apply what they learned to those organizations. From these humble beginnings blossomed Adizes Southeast Europe. With offices in Novi Sad, Belgrade, Zagreb, and Sarajevo, Adizes Southeast Europe is one of the few organizations that operates in all of the countries of the former Yugoslavia.

Adizes Southeast Europe is home to six associates who boast three Adizes Associate of the Year awards. They have served and continue to serve many happy clients, some of which have received the prestigious Adizes Company of the Year award.

At a celebration event in Belgrade, with over one hundred and fifty current and former clients in attendance, Dr. Zvezdan Horvat, Managing Director of Adizes Southeast Europe; Dr. Ichak Adizes, Founder of Adizes Institute; and Boris Vukic, Partner in Adizes Southeast Europe, presented some highlights from the past twenty-five years and spoke with clients about their experiences with the Adizes Methodology. “It is interesting to hear our clients talk about their experiences with Adizes—often, the best explanations of what we are all about, come from them,” commented Dr. Horvat.

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