Dr. Adizes Embarks on a Long Overdue World Tour

Dr. Adizes Embarks on a Long Overdue World Tour

As a global management guru, Dr. Adizes has spent his career travelling the world, working with heads of industry and state and delivering lectures to promote his methodology. But, Dr. Adizes was undergoing medical treatment for much of 2017 and 2018, and he has been unable to travel. As such, a large backlog of requests for his time has accumulated.

We are happy to announce that Dr. Adizes' health has improved, and he will begin a long-overdue world tour starting on March 6, 2019. On this tour, Dr. Adizes will be receiving his nineteenth and twentieth honorary doctorates from the University of Belgrade and Plehanov University in Moscow, respectively. On March 20, he will attend an advisory board meeting for the Central Bank of Montenegro. On March 27, he will present a six-hour master class at Best Business Ideas (BBI) Club in Moscow (https://bbi.club/adizes/en/). BBI Club is a premier event organizer for the business community in Moscow that has put on events featuring best-selling authors Nassim Taleb (The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable), David Logan (Tribal Leadership and The Three Laws of Performance), and Erik Bertrand Larssen (Hell Week), among many others.

Additional presentations by Dr. Adizes during this world tour will include:

  • March 28 in Moscow, Russia: A lecture at the Institute of Business Studies of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. This lecture will focus on what should be the goal of corporations.
  • March 29 in Moscow, Russia: A lecture for graduates held at Sberbank on what makes companies successful. Sberbank is the largest bank in Russia and Eastern Europe, with over 250,000 employees and a million corporate clients.
  • April 16 in Kiev, Ukraine: A six-hour Master Class for CEOs on how to manage in times of crisis and benefit from the process.
  • April 28 in Tel Aviv, Israel: A presentation to venture capital fund managers on how to evaluate the quality of management in a startup, why startups fail, and what to do about it. The event is hosted by DNAtix, a start-up that merges genomics and blockchain technologies (www.dnatix.com). DNAtix recently won first place in Tel Aviv's prestigious 133 Startup Battle (https://battle.startup.network/events/385098/).
  • \nMay 16–25 in China: Dr. Adizes will end his world tour with a visit to China where his books are best-sellers. He will be hosted by KNX Human Resources (http://www.knx.com.cn/), a China-based talent management services organization that has arranged several lecture opportunities as well as meetings with some of their top-tier clients in both Beijing and Shanghai.\n
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Additionally, Dr. Adizes might continue on to Sydney and Melbourne after his stay in China, but the trip is still to be confirmed. We will keep you updated!

If you would like to join Dr. Adizes’ presentations in any of these destinations, please send an email to Dr. Adizes’s Executive Coordinator, David O'Farrill Matinez-Cairo, at davido@adizes.com for more information.

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