International Adizes Convention In Bangkok

Preparations For International Adizes Convention In Bangkok

Preparations are being made for the International Adizes Convention that will take place in Bangkok, Thailand from January 11 - 14, 2020.  The Adizes International Convention, which has taken place every year since 1980, regularly attracts Adizes Associates, clients, practitioners and those looking to learn more about how the Adizes methodology can be applied.

The convention will start with an opening dinner on January 11th.

On January 12th, we will tour some of the attractions around Bangkok including the ancient city of Ayutthaya.

On January 13th, there will be presentations on different applications of the Adizes Methodology.  Past presentations have included, “Adizes as applied to early childhood education,” and “How to lose a billion dollars in 7 years - a case study of Intel's acquisition of DSPC using the Adizes Methodology.” Additionally, Associate of the Year award and Company of the Year award will be presented, Dr. Adizes will deliver his “Founders Presentation” where he outlines his latest developments and will provide a preview of his soon to be published book on organizational therapy.  The day will conclude with a formal dinner where Associates who have completed their certifications will be recognized.

On January 14th, the theme will be Democraship: Combining Dictatorship and Democracy to Implement Change for Success. A road map for your company, organization or country. Various speakers, including Dr. Adizes and other special guests, will discuss how the concept of Democraship applies to both management and governance, both internationally and within the specific context of Thailand.

Delegates can select which specific events, of those listed above, they would like to register for.

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