Nicolas Jodal Popularizes Adizes in Uruguay

Nicolas Jodal Popularizes Adizes in Uruguay

Nicolas Jodal is the CEO of Genexus, an Uruguay-based company that uses a low-code development platform and artificial intelligence to simplify and expedite software development. Jodal first discovered Adizes in the ‘80s when he was working for Sistemas Computacao e Informatica (SCI), a company based in Brazil and managed along the lines of the Adizes Methodology by Senior Adizes Associate, Carlos Valdesuso. When Jodal returned to his native Uruguay, he brought his Adizes experience with him. When Jodal founded Genexus with Breogan Gonda, who had also worked at SCI, they relied heavily on what they had learned from Valdesuso.

As Genexus grew into a highly diversified company employing over three hundred people with operations in forty countries, Jodal’s influence and profile also grew, giving him many opportunities to share what he knew about Adizes with the business community.  One such presentation was a well-received TEDx talk delivered in 2010 and another during the 2014 ¡Más Herraminetas, Más Networking! conference where he spoke on corporate lifecycles. Jodal continues to be a big promoter of Adizes to this day.

As a result of Jodal’s efforts, the Adizes methodology is well-known in Uruguay and taught in many universities, including the Universidad ORT Uruguay. Shoham Adizes, President of the Adizes Institute, has visited Uruguay on multiple occasions where he has delivered lectures and conducted trainings.

“It has been amazing to have a person like Nicolas, someone who has been so successful in business and is looked up to across Uruguay, talk about the benefits of the Adizes methodology. Very much to our surprise, we discovered a large population of business executives, public servants, and educators in Uruguay who had read the Adizes books and utilized the tools for decades. We cannot thank him enough for his support.”

—Shoham Adizes, President of the Adizes Institute

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