Sydney Hosts Adizes Global Convention

Sydney Hosts Adizes Global Convention

January 26th saw the beginning of the 2019 Adizes Institute Global Convention. Adizes Associates and their partners, representing nearly 20 countries, came together in Sydney, Australia, to not only develop the methodology, but also analyse specific managerial cases, share experience, and undertake Adizes Certifications.

At every convention, associates have the opportunity to undertake their Certification examinations in their respective phases. Similar to the medical profession, Adizes Associates must complete rigorous training and internships in the various phases of organizational transformation. To become Certified, they must present case studies and testimonials from clients and fellow Certified Associates.

We congratulate all associates who passed their certification exams.

The global conventions are not just about internal activities, however also have open sessions for members of the local business community to understand more about Adizes. On 31st January and 1st February, the Global Convention was opened to over 90 guests.

A Keynote presentation was given by Dr Ichak Adizes, via video link which you can watch here.

Sessions were also delivered by a number of Certified Adizes Associates in why is change accelerating, the correct sequence in organizational transformation, how to create a compelling mission, how to structure your organization for rapid growth, and how Adizes can be applied to M & A activities.

It wasn’t all business for associates who were treated to a tour of Sydney. The tour consisted of a visit to the Iconic Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge, before heading to the local zoo to see and interact with some of the cute (and not so cute) Australian wildlife, before finishing at Bondi beach with a fabulous lunch and an afternoon swim.

During the convention, it was announced that the 2020 Adizes Global Convention will be hosted in Bangkok, Thailand, and 2021 will be in Istanbul, Turkey!

We thank all associates and guests who travelled far and wide to join at this year's event. We looking forward to seeing you at any more in the future.

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